World of tanks blitz where to shoot
World of tanks blitz where to shoot

world of tanks blitz where to shoot

The effective armour thickness is calculated by dividing the nominal armour thickness with the cosine of the nominal impact angle. is not perfectly perpendicular to the armour plate's surface, the effective armour thickness that the shell needs to penetrate will be higher than the nominal armour thickness: As soon as the impact angle deviates from the normal, i.e. However, the nominal thickness of an armour plate is just the minimal amount of armour a shell impacting it must penetrate. The penetration indicator can help you discover the actual nominal armour thickness of your target. However, the tanks are actually modeled in much greater detail. The game only provides you with the nominal armour strength of the three main armour plates of your tank's hull and turret, respectively. Your tank is armoured with plates of varying thicknesses.


The math behind this circle makes it that when you fire, the shell tends to shoot more towards the middle of the circle, and the probability of the shell going to a certain point on the aiming circle falls as you move towards the edges.Īiming Time is a statistic of a tank found in game, and shows the amount of time it takes for the aiming circle to go from its largest to its smallest.ĭispersion at 100m is another tank statistic showing the radius of the aiming circle at its smallest while aiming at a target 100 meters away.Īfter you wait until the two reticles line up, and the aiming circle shrinks, you fire.Īssuming you hit, a complicated series of equations go into effect to determine if it does damage.Įffective armor is defined as the thickness of an armor plate at a certain angle. Beware though, as moving forwards/backwards or turning either your hull or turret all increase the size of this circle. The more accurate guns tend to have smaller aiming circles, whereas less accurate guns have larger ones. The aiming circle represents the area where your shot could possibly go.

world of tanks blitz where to shoot

This ring of dots is called the 'aiming circle'.

world of tanks blitz where to shoot

Therefore, you should only shoot when these two V's line up.Īfter these two V's line up and your tank is stopped, the dots appear to shrink around them. When the trigger is pulled, it will always shoot in the direction the gun is pointed (the V that is surrounded by dots) regardless of where you are aiming. This is because the more faded V that stays centered on the screen is where you are currently aiming and the more vibrant V that moves is where the gun is currently pointing. However, upon closer inspection, one can see that there are actually TWO upside-down V's, one atop the other. The aiming system looks like a circle of green dots around an upside-down V. The first mechanic to affect you, before you even shoot, is the aiming system. Shooting is a term used for the group of actions that go into effect when you pull the trigger. It boils down to two sub-sections: Shooting and Penetration. Shooting is an important part of this game, and is probably the most complicated system in the game. 1.2.3 HE/HESH: High Explosive or High Explosive Squash Head.1.2.1 APCR: Armor Piercing Composite Rigid.

World of tanks blitz where to shoot