Letterspace alternative
Letterspace alternative

letterspace alternative

The Letterspace app for iPad features a specialized toolbar with quick-access buttons for inserting parentheses and other special characters. The app uses a novel hashtag- and mention-centric organization scheme: You don’t add tags in a traditional sense instead, you can type Twitter-style hashtags and mentions (contacts, basically) directly into your notes, and the app will group your notes based on this information. Organizing notes in this manner it isn’t for everyone, but if you rely on tags and searches to find things, Letterspace might do the trick. And if you enable iCloud storage, Letterspace gives you an NVAlt-style note service across all your devices. Unlike Alternote, Letterpress doesn’t sync with Evernote, but it does come in both iOS and OS X flavors. Letterspace is another super-simple note-taking option worth considering. Check out the beta at the developer’s website. What Sucks: Might be a bit much for casual users.īuy it? If you love Evernote and minimal text editors, Alternote is the app for you. Loads and syncs with Evernote more quickly than Evernote’s own app. Alternote is still in beta, but it’s already nicely polished and it’s ready to use now. It limits your options in a lot of ways, but your data and web clippings are all intact. Evernote’s app may be more powerful, but I think that I can get more actual work done through Alternote. While I am a huge Evernote fan, this app may replace the Evernote app’s place in my Dock. It reminds me of super-simple note-taking apps like NVAlt, except you can get at all of your Evernote data. This may be restrictive to some people, but it really gets the more fiddly aspects of Evernote out of the way. You can set a background for the notebook list, you can choose from a limited set of fonts and sizes, and whether the app is in day or night mode…and that’s about it.

letterspace alternative


Instead, I’ll draft in Hemingway or Drafts and then send what I’ve written over to Evernote once I am done.īut Alternote on the Mac makes Evernote a lot more pleasing to the eye. It’s very minimal-everything is mostly text-and view options are fairly limited. However, I don’t do a lot of work directly in the Evernote app-it’s a bit too busy and cluttered to make a decent working environment. I like Evernote a lot: It’s a great way to keep everything from writing projects to your recipes organized.


Download it for free from the developer’s website. What’s Good: Native Facebook Messenger client for OS X.īuy it? If you’re looking for a streamlined way to use Facebook Messenger, check out Groovy. Best of all? Goofy won’t cost you anything.

letterspace alternative

Compare it to an open browser tab with actual Facebook, and it may save you some serious fan noise. The best thing about Goofy is that it’s simple: Its interface is clean and intuitive, and it doesn’t hog a bunch of resources in the background.


Considering that many people are using it as their main chat client, it’s stupid to have to keep windows that overlay content or even have Facebook open at all. It isn’t too hard to make the case for a Facebook Messenger client for the Mac-if anything, a Mac app makes more sense than the separate Messenger app on mobile.

Letterspace alternative